One of my professional goals is to launch at least one new project every year. I’m making small bets and staying comfortable with failure.
test_visualizer: A Ruby gem that helps visualize your test architecture.
“Technical Book About Testing” (Title TBD): I started writing a technical book about automated testing. On pause.
Maine JS: I took over as organizer of this Meetup in 2023. Along with my co-organizers I’ve rebranded, reinvigorated, and grown group membership 3x through a series of monthly events.
Defragmenter: Every week, I spend an hour crafting ideas that feel like the kind of conversation I’d have had with a sharp, seasoned colleague ten years ago.
React Explained: I launched this React-focused newsletter during the pandemic, publishing thirty issues about the latest news and advancements in the community. My platform, Revue, has since shut down and issues are no longer available on the internet.
FinTech Startup: For a year I moonlighted as CTO and co-founder of a FinTech startup. We built an MVP web application in React and TypeScript and an API in Ruby on Rails. We built something I am proud of and I learned a lot.
The Bell: The Bell was a pandemic-inspired social-distancing art project I created and maintained from March–October 2020. Over the life of the project, The Bell was clicked over 4K times.
Game of Life: This is my React/TypeScript implementation of the classic cellular automaton and programming puzzle, Conway’s Game of Life. Visit
SQL Workshop: Jack Christensen and I built this full-day, hands-on SQL curriculum for the Code Platoon programming bootcamp. We continue to teach it live a few times a year.
JavaScript Equality: I built this React/TypeScript application to demonstrate the difference between twoquals and threequals in JavaScript.
PG Casts: PG Casts is a series of screencasts about PostgreSQL. My coworkers and I built it together during downtime at Hashrocket. I helped create the idea, build the site, and wrote, recorded, and edited six screencasts as one of the founding contributors.
Today I Learned: TIL was my apprentice project at Hashrocket. It has grown into a popular developers blog with 2.6K posts, millions of page views per year, and the top-ranked answers on Google to many an esoteric question. It’s also open-source, one of the first such Phoenix repositories. Visit
Ceramic Nation: Ceramic Nation was an auto-generated internet novel, one chapter per day, supported by a Ruby gem I wrote called Remarkovable. From 2015-2022 it produced nonsensical, occasionally inspired prose informed by a corpus of classic literature.
TIL (Today I Learned): ‘Technical articles; needless words omitted.’ I’ve posted short technology learnings here since 2015.
2014 The technical blog you’re reading now. Learn, write, repeat.